Review: "PANKUSH" [album 2024] by MURAT SES

Inspired by his wife Nihal Ses's exploration of the enigmatic Hittite civilization, 'PANKUSH' is an auditory tapestry that weaves together ancient Anatolian motifs with contemporary electronic sounds. The album's nine tracks, TAVANANNA, BULL LEAPER, ARIANNA, LAND OF THOUSAND GODS, KARUM, PANKUSH, HUHUPAL and EVREGEN delve into the rich cultural heritage of the Hittites.



Pankush, in the ancient language is translated into ‘democratic general assembly’.  On his new recording of the same name,

Dr. Murat Ses has assembled a remarkable collection of music that not only defies description but, in a very real sense it creates a sound unique unto itself.

The truth is, you could listen to 100 of the worlds top techno albums and never come close  to what Murat offers here.

PANKUSH  is a wake up call.  A declaration that we are alive in the future when our brain must relearn how to interpret what our ears are hearing.  This recording is a sonic book of revelation.  A sound painting of colors that the human eye has never before witnessed.  An orchestra of ancient instruments brought back to life through enlightened electronic wizardry held together and served up on a series of pulsating beats that are forever changing and moving the listener higher and higher.

Perhaps we should change Murat Ses’ prefix from Doctor to Magician.

In this 33 minute masterpiece he single handedly dissects the past while bringing new life to Techno Beat music.  He conjures the spirit of the ancient Hittite civilization that once made its home in modern day Turkey.  If you listen closely you will hear them calling.  I am convinced that if they had the technology, this is the music they would have made. 

But make no mistake, with Pankush, Murat Ses [Father of Anadolu Pop] has brought together every aspect of world music for this project, giving us a recording that is new in every way.  Futuristic, Optimistic, and Exciting, it is a clear look into the mind and heart of its artistic creator.  It also promises to reveal much about the listener by the way that they react to it.

This is a recording that you will hear again and again.  It will not let you go.  When you listen to these tracks I promise you that after you are finished dancing, they will still be in your head tonight as you are dreaming.  And that will be a good thing.   


Reviewed by Joe Kidd - JKSB Media LLC


for Clouzine - Contemporary Music Magazine

27 APRIL 2024 (Lic: cc-by-3.0)


Cover art by Nihal Ses